Manage You provides the tools you need to manage a busy, professional life, gain access to your important documents easily when needed, and learn more about career advancement and requirements. View each of the user profiles below to see how Manage You works for them.
You know the feeling when you are rushing to get to your child’s soccer game because you spent an extra 20 minutes with your manager reviewing your credentialing packet, or looking for your ACLS card? Remember the last time you had to go back through all of your files, pictures, or folders, looking for a card or certification to continue to practice? Where is your BLS card front and back?
Manage You is designed to enable you to plan, and track, your professional life. The site is complete with a digital storage system for you to have your professional brand or profile, at your fingertips. The website, and app will allow you to save your files and documents all in one place to more quickly share them with ease to the credentials office, a manager, or a new job.
Select the Store You tab and start to develop your profile today. Work though the pages of the Organize You Tab to understand which documents you should be collecting and how to best save your documents. Now your saved time can be spent focusing on your family, friends, and you. Get your time back.
Remember back to a time when you were flipping through a professional journal considering new places to practice? So many new professional opportunities have risen from the last two years of chaos. As you finish you lunch, and get to the end of the journal, do you then consider how much work it will be to move all of your certifications? Where do you get started? How do you think about moving to a new job?
Manage You brings organization to you and your personal certification documents. The site and app are the most up to date resource for medical resumes, curriculum vitae, developed workbooks on tracking training and certifications, and much more. Stay up to date with the latest professional resources for the medical professional.
Select the Organize You tab to see documents and worksheets that will help you prepare for travel and Locums positions. Review and fill out worksheets and templates as you prepare credentials across companies and agencies. Maintain and updated this profile of documents in Store You for quick access to share with recruiters, and hospitals. Be organized and confident in your profile.
You know the feeling when you want to leave an impression after an interview? You want this job and need to show your interest from the start. How do you continue to project the highest level of professionalism throughout any job process? What are the current manners around healthcare and correspondence that will make you shine? You want that new role, how do you differentiate from the other residents?
Manage You serves as a consolidated resource for those medical professionals looking to be leading the pack. It is difficult to find resources specific too manners in medicine. We comb the business, medical, and manners resources to recommend best practice for these job situations. Be the most organized and professional candidate with up to date materials on your qualifications, correspondence, and tracking.
Select the Organize You tab to further develop your own professional documents. Personal career planning, scheduling your time, and tracking your certifications are all included in Organize You . Brainstorm how to develop your mentor system on Organize You . Be a leader in your field.
This site is all About You. Use the tools we have provided on this website to securely store your documents and add folders with your important paperwork, certifications, licensure documents and more. Manage You will help you stay organized and on top of your medical deadlines and requirements. More coming very soon.